Log5 is a Common Lisp logging framework organized around five things: categories, outputs, senders, messages and contexts.
Categories organize log messages into groups. They are like log4j's Loggers only they're not necessarily arranged hierarchically;
Senders take care of getting log messages somewhere useful. The correspond to log4j's Appenders;
the Outputs of a Sender specify what actually gets sent, printed, spoken, and so on.
Messages are the actual log statements in your code
and the Context provides a way to annotate log messages dynamically (useful, for example, if an application serves multiple clients). Log4j calls this a *Nested Diagnostic Context* but that's too high-faluting for me.
For more details, see the overview or the user-guide.
log5 is implemented and stabile.
metabang.com is switching from darcs to git for source control; the current log5 repository is on github and you can clone it using:
git clone git://github.com/gwkkwg/log5
You can use ASDF-Install or just download a tarball. It's also on the CLiki. Common-Lisp.net hosts the project's mailing list:
You can also follow development (such as it is :-)) on unCLog.
Share peace!
15 February 2009 - how time flies. moved to git
22 December 2007 - Some bug fixes and minor tweaks
29 June 2007 - log5 is updated with compile-time log categories and a handy debugging facility.
19 April 2007 - log5 has seen a bunch of minor development over the last few months. The biggest changes are
are now evaluated. So instead of
(start-sender ... :output-specs (time message))
you must write
(start-sender ... :output-specs '(time message))
(Note the added quote).
I fixed a horrible performance bug which caused all the arguments to log-for
to be evaluated regardless of whether or not the logger was active (ack!)
I fixed another performance bug in the file-stream handling. This bug also caused a problem when logging to string streams under Allegro.